Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Completed Track Pictures

This is the completed Full Track picture from the driver stand.
Video from my $0 phone in YouTube. Viewed from the driver stand sweeping from the left to the right.

Off the pit ramp onto the straight.
First right hand corner into the first set of Double Jump that lead off to the corner table.
Second right hand corner on a table into a Kicker Jump.
Hairpin turn after the Kicker Jump into the Second set of Double Jumps, ending with a sharp left turn into the M bends..
The M bends leading to a sharp left corner.
In the middle of the M bends.
Off to the monstrous looking Penta Jumps which is actually a set of Triple and Double with a short run up in between.
After the Penta Jump you are faced with a hairpin turn with a table top corner, leading down towards a big flat table top.
This is after the big flat table top, showing the hairpin corner leading towards the Octo Woops.
Hairpin corner after the woops and into a short straight.
Hairpin corner after the short straight, leading on to the last set of Double Jump, also showing the safety ram wall after the Jumps.
Right turn into the last set of Triple Jumps.
Last right corner into the main straight.
The main straight.

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